Image sizes used for XTruLink modules are strict. Please see the comprehensive list provided to prepare images for your XTL Web Portal, Kiosks and Digital Passes.
Web Portal
Here is a link to our demo web portal for sample images.
- Branding (Header Logo) - 300 x 60
- Page Display Image (Page) - 760 x 360 (This image will appear on your product tiles and the product pages)
Kiosk Theme
- Offline Branding (Logo) - 460 x 260
- Online Branding (Logo) - 460 x 260
- Navigation Images
- Start Image - 1000 x 1000
- Exit Image - 1000 x 700
- Payment Image - 370 x 750 (default image is provided)
- Page Art
- Background "Image" - 50-300 Pixels Square (This image will be tiled across the background of the kiosk. This image can be a solid color, or a pattern that can repeat across the background.)
- Program Selection Page Art - 925 x 680 (OPTIONAL)
- Ticket Selection Page Art - 525 x 860 (OPTIONAL)
Kiosk Products
- Display Image - 2358 x 1247 (These images will be overlayed on the program selection buttons. The text is not included on the image - you must add the program title).
Kiosk Template
- Announcement Image - 2358 x 2400 (OPTIONAL)
- Additional Donations Image - 2600 x 600
Digital Pass Template
See digital pass samples here.
- Template Icon - 87 x 87 - Required. The icon displayed in a list of passes, or in wallet notifications. If Template Logo is not present, this image will be used as the logo image.
- Template Logo - 150X x 150H to 480W x 150H - Optional. The image displayed on the front of the pass in the top left.
- Apple Wallet Thumbnail Image - 270 x 270 - Optional. This image is displayed on the front of the pass, to the right of the primary field. Does not display in Google Wallet.
- Google Wallet Hero Image - 1032 x 336 - Optional. This image is displayed on the bottom front of the pass. Does not display in Apple Wallet.