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There are a couple of reasons why your Aviator Kiosk may power on but the display remains black.

First, ensure that the monitor's power is on.  The button will light up green when it's on.  If you don't see the green light, press the button.

Second, please check the blue leakage switch at the bottom of the kiosk.  You can access it by opening the top door and removing the bottom panel.  Make sure the switch is pushed back to indicate that power is flowing through the unit properly.

If it is in the forward position, this is blocking the power from being able to go through the unit.  Simply push the blue switch in a backwards motion to turn on.

If the blue leakage switch is switched into the on position, we will want to check the cable connections next.  Find the cable that reads 'Touch Screen USB Cable' and make sure it has a secure connection within the USB port.  If needed, try a different port.

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